UnStopABLE Coaching 6-Month Book Coaching Program!
Are You Ready to SPEAK LIFE to Your VISION and Create that next BEST SELLER?
The UnStopABLE Coaching 6-month Book Coaching Program is looking for You!
It is the ONLY content rich, 6-month coaching program that turns VISIONS into REALITIES for Start Up Authors, Speakers and Coaches looking to turn their thoughts into books and books into a business!
If you’re anything like me,
-You want to Share Your Message to a Larger Audience!
-You want to Learn what it takes to turn your speaker content into a Masterful Book!
-You want to more effectively Network and Collaborate with Like-Minded individuals and you recognize that handing someone YOUR BOOK is better than any business card!
-You want to propel your VISION and your BUSINESS to UnStopABLE HEIGHTS!
Let me be YOUR Accountability Partner and I will give You:
-One on One “Accountability Coaching” to get you LASER FOCUSED on Your Vision for your book!
-Move You to take UnStopABLE ACTIONS in creating New content or using content you already have to formulate your manuscript!
-Hold You ACCOUNTABLE to Starting and Finishing the book ON TIME!
-Unlimited E-Coaching for those questions that just can’t wait!
–Access to monthly Group Coaching Calls where I talk about Powerful techniques and strategies that I use every day to create and repurpose content for use in future books, articles, blogs and newsletters! They help reach my target audience and grow my business!
-Weekly Motivational Videos to help you Overcome Obstacles you are struggling with Like
Time Management,
Fear of Failure or Success!
This program is for those people who are serious about:
#BeingSeen as an Expert Authority by being a Published Author
#LivingLifeOnTheNextLevel & Sharing Your Message
I look forward to partnering with you on your journey towards #UnStopABLE Success! Sign Up Now and let’s Get Started!
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