Few things in life impact us more than interacting with others. In the process of that interaction many things transpire. Most notably of which is an inert and incessant need for Competition. Competition creates a crab mentality that tries to hold others down to prevent them from besting you. Our book The Power of Collaboration explores this myth and offers alternatives to this divisive practice. These eight authors offer insight as to how collaboration is a tool to create Mutually Assured Success.
Collaboration is a concept that says “When we work together, we are able to accomplish our own desires and assist you in reaching Theirs. This school of thought negates the need for sabotage or subterfuge. It eliminates the negative behavior of competing with others and instead works with others to find a common good. Each entry searches the subject of Cooperation and Collaboration and seeks to find a way to work with others instead of against them. This Collaboration can take place in entrepreneurial endeavors as well as community improvement concerns.
Rather than trying to be the first or best or better than the others, this model suggests that we can and should work in one accord to reach greater heights and better results. It is with that distinction that the authors of this book have submitted chapters relevant to that topic and instrumental towards paving a way to accomplish that goal without causing loss or lack to any intended party. Rather this is a method and manner that can and should leverage the playing field so that everybody wins, but not at the expense of any one